Hi. I’m Joe, an experienced graphic designer living in Baltimore, MD.
Let’s collaborate!
Case Studies
A curated showcase of my professional and creative journey spanning a diverse collection of client-based work, large projects, interactive art installations, traditional collages, and mixed-media work.
Precise & Informative Design
My approach to design leverages innovative solutions to tackle visual challenges, underpinned by thorough research, strategic collaboration, and a clear focus on achieving objectives. My passion lies in driving projects to success and creating thought-provoking brand experiences that resonate and engage target audiences.
With extensive experience working alongside a diverse range of collaborators—including artists, creatives, brands, educational institutions, and large organizations, I excel in delivering clean, relevant, and accessible visual media. I design and implement projects that exceed the needs of my clients, driving growth by incorporating their expectations with the needs of those they’re trying to reach.